Sepsis & Critical Illness Research Center (SCIRC) Mini-Symposium
Zoom: Meeting ID: 965 4099 7975 Passcode: 432908
The Department of Surgery, Sepsis & Critical Illness Research Center (SCIRC) is pleased to announce, Dr. Craig Coopersmith’s keynote address titled, Gut Integrity in Sepsis, during the Visiting Professor presentation at the SCIRC Mini-Symposium.
Dr. Craig Coopersmith is the Director of the Emory Critical Care Center. He is also a Professor of Surgery at Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Coopersmith is currently the Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator on three R01 research grants from the National Institutes of Health related to his work on the gut in sepsis and the immune response to sepsis. He is also the Principal Investigator on an NIH-funded T32 training grant on critical care. Dr. Coopersmith co-chairs the research arm of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign and co-chairs Conflict of Interest for the Surviving Sepsis Guidelines. Dr. Coopersmith currently serves on a national guidelines panel for COVID-19 management sponsored by the NIH and advises the World Health Organization on COVID-19. Dr. Coopersmith is also a past-president of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. He is currently the immediate past chair of Discovery, the Critical Care Research Network.